Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tentative Project Plan

This blog provides the answers to the following questions which highlight my tentative plan for the lesson.

Please click on the link below to view the presentation in Google Docs:

1. What is the tentative title/topic of the course?
2. Who are your learners? What age, context/grade, how many students?
3. Main purpose of the course?
4. Will the course be self-paced or facilitated? Fully online or blended? Why?
5. Anticipated time-line for implementation?
6. How many total hours of learning time are required in your course?
7. Are there content standards and/or course objectives that must be aligned to the course outcomes? List them if you know what they are.
8. Adult learners: Does the course need professional development, undergraduate, or graduate credit tied to it? Do you have this available, if needed?
10. In what platform will you host the course (mandated or your choice as designer)?
11. Is this a redesign of a face-to-face or online course, or a totally new course?

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